Volunteer With Us
Thank you for considering volunteering with Northern Lights Aid! We rely on the amazing work of our volunteers and your contribution would help to make sure our projects can continue to help people in Kavala.
Volunteers are responsible for running all of our projects. During your time volunteering with us, you will likely help out in several, if not all projects. However, depending on our needs and your skills, you may focus on strengthening and developing one project in particular.
Note that there are prerequisites to volunteering with us. Please make sure you meet them before continuing with the next steps.
You must be at least 20 years old (23 years old for Coordinator positions)
Minimum time commitment: 4 weeks (4 months for coordinators)
You must have a satisfactory criminal record check (not older than 1 year)
All coordinators are required to provide one written reference from the most recent employer or place of education (open references/letters of recommendation are not acceptable)
Fluency in English is required
You must read and agree with our Code of Conduct
If you meet the prerequisites above, please follow the 3 steps to volunteer:
Volunteer Testimonies
“I am very grateful to NLA for having me as one of their team members and I really value the time I spent there. I had the opportunity to learn about how NGOs contribute to the asylum seeking system and had the chance to give my own little input as well. The coordinators and other volunteers inspired me with their positive energy and incredible work ethic. NLA is an incredible environment.”
— Nike, 2024
“NLA was the most life-changing experience of my life, and it still is. When I arrived in the field, I thought I was well-informed and well-prepared for what I was about to experience, but NLA and its people taught me far more than I could have imagined. In NLA and Kavala, I learned humanity, I met resilience, I felt community and became humility. I'm so grateful to have been part of it all. Ever since I left, I've been carrying NLA with me, spreading the word about the incredible work NLA and its people are doing in Kavala, and longing for the time when I can return.”
— Maelle, 2023
“Volunteering for NLA was a rich and powerful experience owing to its vibrant and inspiring community. It was my first experience in the field and challenged me to reflect on many things. This impacted the path I have chosen to take since as well and motivated me to continue to volunteer with displaced people in more local contexts. I still often think about my time at NLA and the people I was lucky enough to meet.”
— Jess, 2023